Le Pens Dilemma Tolerate Barnier Or Unleash The Dogs

Le Pen's dilemma: Tolerate Barnier or unleash the dogs

The National Rally's choice

Marine Le Pen, the leader of France's National Rally party, faces a dilemma as she weighs her options for the upcoming European Parliament elections. She can either tolerate Michel Barnier, the former French foreign minister and chief Brexit negotiator, or unleash the dogs of populism and nationalism.

Barnier is a respected figure in France and Europe, and his presence on the National Rally's list would give the party a veneer of respectability. However, he is also a moderate who does not share Le Pen's far-right views. His inclusion on the list could alienate some of the party's more hardline supporters.

On the other hand, if Le Pen chooses to unleash the dogs of populism and nationalism, she could energize her base and appeal to voters who are fed up with the status quo. However, this strategy could also backfire, as it could alienate moderate voters and make the National Rally seem like an extremist party.

The stakes are high

The stakes are high for Le Pen in the upcoming European Parliament elections. If she can win the election, it will give her a platform to promote her far-right views and challenge the European Union from within. However, if she loses, it will be a major setback for her party and could damage her chances of winning the French presidential election in 2022.

Le Pen's decision

Le Pen has not yet made a decision about whether to tolerate Barnier or unleash the dogs. She is likely to weigh the pros and cons of each option carefully before making a decision.

If she chooses to tolerate Barnier, she will be sending a signal that she is willing to work with moderates to achieve her goals. This could help her to attract a broader range of voters and make the National Rally more electable.

However, if she chooses to unleash the dogs, she will be doubling down on her far-right views and alienating moderate voters. This could make it more difficult for her to win the European Parliament elections and the French presidential election in 2022.


Le Pen's decision about whether to tolerate Barnier or unleash the dogs will have a major impact on the future of the National Rally and the French political landscape.

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