Ringtail The Little Known Member Of The Raccoon Family


Ringtail: The Little-Known Member of the Raccoon Family

Discover the Unique Characteristics and Distribution of Ringtails

Defining the Ringtail

Ringtails, also known as miner's cats, are members of the raccoon family. These fascinating creatures are found in the deserts of North America.

Distinctive Physical Features

As their name suggests, ringtails are characterized by their long, ringed tails. The tail is black and white, with approximately 14-16 stripes. This distinctive tail aids in balance as the animal navigates its surroundings.

Relatives and Similarities

Ringtails share several features with other ringed-tailed animals, such as Cacomistles, Eastern Raccoons, Mexican Raccoons, Red Pandas, and Ring-tailed Lemurs. Their ringed tails serve similar functions, including balance and temperature regulation.


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