Bob Solingen

Solingen's Battery-Electric Oberleitungsbus (BOB): A Sustainable Transportation Solution

Harnessing Innovation for Clean and Efficient Mobility

Mit BOB (Battery-Oberleitungs-Bus), Solingen unveils a groundbreaking transportation system that seamlessly combines the advantages of traditional overhead catenary lines with state-of-the-art battery technology. Designed to enhance sustainability and reduce emissions, BOB is poised to transform urban mobility.

Intelligent Infrastructure and Efficient Power Supply

The BOB system features an intelligent overhead line network that provides continuous power to the buses. When off-catenary, the buses can run solely on their onboard batteries, ensuring uninterrupted service even in areas without overhead wires. This hybrid approach allows for flexible routing and provides a more comprehensive and reliable transportation network.

Enhanced Battery Technology for Extended Range

BOB utilizes advanced battery technology that enables extended operation without the need for frequent charging. The buses can travel up to 15 kilometers off-catenary, providing ample flexibility for route planning and ensuring smooth operation even during peak hours or detours.

Benefits for the Environment and the City

The introduction of BOB significantly reduces local air pollution and noise emissions, contributing to a cleaner and healthier urban environment. By reducing reliance on fossil fuels, BOB also lowers greenhouse gas emissions, supporting Solingen's commitment to sustainability.

Improved Mobility and Enhanced Accessibility

BOB enhances mobility by offering a more frequent and reliable bus service. The intelligent infrastructure enables smoother and faster connections, reducing travel times and improving overall accessibility. This makes public transportation a more attractive option for commuters, reducing traffic congestion and promoting a more efficient and sustainable transportation system.

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