An Overview

Ancient Megalopolis: The Last Great City of the Greek Mainland

An Overview

Megalopolis was founded in 371 BC by the Theban general Epaminondas as part of his plan to weaken Sparta and establish a new power base in the Peloponnese. The city was built on the site of an ancient Arcadian village and quickly grew to become one of the largest and most important cities in Greece.

A Center of Culture and Learning

Megalopolis was a major center of culture and learning. The city was home to a number of schools and libraries, and its scholars were renowned throughout the Greek world. The city was also a center of the arts, and its theaters and festivals attracted visitors from far and wide.

A Military and Political Power

Megalopolis was also a major military and political power. The city was home to a large army and navy, and its strategic location made it an important base for operations in the Peloponnese. The city was also a member of the Achaean League, a powerful alliance of Greek city-states.

A City in Decline

Megalopolis reached its peak in the 3rd century BC. However, the city began to decline in the 2nd century BC, as the power of the Achaean League waned. The city was eventually conquered by the Romans in 146 BC, and it was never able to regain its former glory.


Megalopolis was once one of the greatest cities in Greece. However, the city's decline is a reminder that even the most powerful and prosperous cities can fall. The ruins of Megalopolis are a testament to the city's past glory, and they continue to attract visitors from all over the world.

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